
Thursday, May 12, 2011


Today is a glorious day.

Yesterday I went to an interview for an intern-ship at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Development - I know... very fancy!

I have actually not been writing a whole lot of applications over the last 3 months - been concentrating on work - which is still ab-so-lute-ly lovely, and to be honest, after you get turned down the 30'th time without as much as an invitation to an interview, you kindda loose faith in the whole project, so I guess I needed a bit of time away from it all.
But then my council had 4 open spots, and I wrote an application - naively thinking that since I was working for them anyway at the moment - just in another department - they might give me an advantage over others... but no... not even an interview..

At the same time a very good and fabulous friend of mine mentioned that there soon might be opening some spots where she was - having almost forgotten that there was a whole world out there with fantastic opportunities, I remembered that I was quite facinated with the place she was - first of all it was a Ministry - not just some silly little council, or a mono-tracked company, but a Ministry, with all the importance that holds.. and second of all it was the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation/Development.. need I say more.. this had to be THE place where everything happens, and where the future is build for our cozy little country.. I am a closet science-geek - not a brainiac, but a sucker for sciency stuff and magazines, so this place had to be the perfect place for me.

I wrote an application - and spend quite a while on it.. this could not fail - it was out of the question - I had to get in... and luckily they liked what I wrote (so it was worth the hours and the wonderful help from dear friends)and I got called in for a interview.

And that was yesterday - I wasnt very nervous when I left in the morning - I had my mini notebook with me with some info texts about the place to keep me busy on the train, but I ran into a dear old friend, and we ended up chatting the time away - I arrived almost 1½ hours too early (yes, I really hate being late), so I went over to a beautiful little garden by the canals (oh did I mention the Ministry must have THE best adresse in Copenhagen!)and sat there enjoying the sun for a bit.

when there was 30 odd minuttes left I went back and sat bu the reception and waited.
And then I started to get nervous - but luckily it was my fabulous friend who came to greet me just before the interview, and with a hug, she made it a lot better.

The interview itself was very nice - the women leading it were kind and interesting, and I felt like I did ok - even though I had some of my less intelligent moments - when I get nervous I cant put together an sentence, and the words that come out of my mouth make no sense.. at one point I suddenly realised I had no idea where I was going with the stuff I was saying, so I had to stop (actually faked a little cough lol ) - take a sip of water and then start over... not sure they noticed, but I was terrified just then :P

But to get back to my first sentence:

Today is a glorious day - because just before I left work my friend called, they had let her call me since we were friends, and told me I had gotten the intern-ship.

I am just so relieved now - finally I got what I had wished for, and I even got the best I could imagine.. and having a dear friend being the one to call and say, made it a absolutely perfect end to my year of distress.

Now I just need to find an apartment in Copenhagen.. not the easiest task - but I feel my luck is turning for the better now ;)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My other Blog

So - it's not because I am leaving this blog and neglecting it.. more than usual.. but I didnt feel this blog would be the right place for my crafts.. also because I decided to finally try and sell some of it.. me and my good ideas are costing me a fortune.. piles of lovely things I made are collecting dust.. so I am digging them all out, and made another blog - just for crafty stuff - and my cake-baking.. and this blog will continue as my thinking box - I will do my best to cross-post on both blogs, if I feel I wrote something read-worthy on any of them ;)

So - a link to my other home:

... come to think of it the blog-titles should be reversed lol - I did start this blog in the hope of it becoming a place where I would post pictures of what I was doing, and recipes for cakes.. but it turned out differently - so.. oh well.. what does the name matter anyway ;)

Please swing by every now and then.. new blog should soon enough be full of goodies :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

and a new themesong for love

I can follow this idea - I will rather have my blind faith that one day HE will show up, than get smacked in the face by reality and settle with someone wrong.

Well - and let's be honest.. this guy can knock on my door any day ;) There will be many glasses of wine drunk and candles lit while he plays on the stereo.. too bad he hasn't made a LP.. a little vinyl sound would suit him.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Post D-day.

1 week ago the day finally arrived... I turned 30, and guess what.. I survived ;)

I had been so busy planning and cooking the days before, that I didn't really have time to sit down and wallow in in the fact that I was turning 30.

It was a lovely day - I got up early to finish the After Eight cupcakes for work - spreading the topping while watching an episode of Castle on the computer - my mom baked buns and prepared breakfast meanwhile.. then my Aunt, brother and sister-in-law came by for a birthday breakfast before we all had to go to work.. all in all a lovely start on my birthday.

Ohh and best of all.. guess what I got... ihhhh you can't can you.. I got the best "Aid" ever! - meet my baby :

*Sigh*... isn't it a beauty! Of cause I had to try it out straight away - so after work I made 6 sugar-bread layers for my birthday cake.. and it was amazing.. I have now cleaned and polished it, and stuffed it back in the box for safe keeping until I move out one day, and can offer it a proper spot in my new kitchen :)

Right, then I spend 2 more days cooking and baking for my birthday party - well it was an open house, cause I am flat broke after a year of unemployment, so I didn't have the money for a big fancy party.

I made all the food myself, which also saved me some cash, and boosted my ego after everyone was in awe over my creativity... I wasn't very impressed myself.. maybe it just shows that some ppl are very little creative and are impressed with almost anything hehe.. but then I didn't have to rage over the stupid cake that absolutely did NOT turn out the way I had hoped... note to self - don't wait until the big day to have a go with sugar-paste for the first time ever...

Yeah.. I know.. what do I look like! I just don't do photos very well hehe.. but look at my pink cake !

And the night was spend with good friends chatting and laughing, and the sunday I spend with my mates playing a game they gave me:

I am a sucker for geeky games and horror movies, so a boardgame where you have to kill zombies is right up my ally.. even though my brother and I teamed up and lost 3 games in a row.. we are certain that we are both cursed with "the curse of the crap dice"... we just couldn't roll more than a 3! I think I have to buy some new pink dice for the game...or maybe some rotten-flesh-green ones ;)

So I can conclude that it wasn't so bad turning 30.. I lived.. I didn't get any new wrinkles overnight, and the great finger of judgement didn't point at me and laugh... At least I now have 1 thing to cross off the list - a job :) I absolutely love my new job at the local fire department - lovely ppl and all the files I can organise.. <3 Hopefully by September I will also have found an apprenticeship, and then it's just an apartment missing.. have a feeling that wont be much longer either :)

A new start needs a new tune - the fabulous 30's have begun ;)